Sometimes, you accidentally bork your Magento 2 development database. Sometimes, you just want to reinstall as a sanity check. Luckily, you don’t have to re-extract the installer – you can simply un-install and re-install Magento 2 using the ./bin/magento CLI tool, see:
However, the command needs a lot of arguments. I just dropped the following into a shell script at ./bin/
[0s][/var/www/m2/bin]$ cat ./
./magento setup:install --admin-firstname Andy --admin-lastname Boyd \
--admin-email [email protected] --admin-user admin \
--admin-password Password1! --base-url http://m2.local --backend-frontname m2_admin \
--db-host localhost --db-name m2 --db-user root --db-password Password1!