(Re)Installing Magento 2 from shell

Sometimes, you accidentally bork your Magento 2 development database. Sometimes, you just want to reinstall as a sanity check. Luckily, you don’t have to re-extract the installer – you can simply un-install and re-install Magento 2 using the ./bin/magento CLI tool, see:


However, the command needs a lot of arguments. I just dropped the following into a shell script at ./bin/reinstall.sh

[0s][/var/www/m2/bin]$ cat ./reinstall.sh

./magento setup:install --admin-firstname Andy --admin-lastname Boyd \
--admin-email [email protected] --admin-user admin \
--admin-password Password1! --base-url http://m2.local --backend-frontname m2_admin \
--db-host localhost --db-name m2 --db-user root --db-password Password1!

Magento 2 and PHP Unit – ‘no tests executed’ issue

When starting on unit tests for a Magento 2 module, It seemed that phpunit refused to find any of my test methods. After some experimentation, I found a fix (well, maybe a workaround)

– copy (magento root)/dev/tests/phpunit.xml.dist to ./phpunit.xml, and then pass that as the config file (this was pretty obvious)
– you have to call Magento’s phpunit binary, not your system phpunit binary (this was way less obvious)

So where you could normally do something like

cd /path/to/magento2/app/code/YourCompany/YourModule/Tests/Unit ;
phpunit . ;

You instead need to do

cd /path/to/magento2/ ;
./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c /path/to/magento2/dev/test/unit/phpunit.xml .

The problem with just doing ‘phpunit’ is it calls /usr/bin/phpunit, or whatever your local system phpunit is.

For convenience, you can replace the long file paths above with a couple symlinks and save yourself a LOT of typing. Become root on your system and do

cd /usr/bin ;
mv ./phpunit ./phpunit-system ;
ln -s /path/to/magento2/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ./ ;
cd /path/to/magento2/app/code/YourCompany/YourModule/Tests/Unit ;
ln -s /path/to/magento2/dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml ./ ;

You replaced the usual phpunit system binary with a symlink to Magento’s, and added a symlink to the phpunit config file in your modules unit tests directory. So now to run your module’s unit tests, just do

cd /path/to/magento2/app/code/YourCompany/YourModule/Tests/Unit ;
phpunit -c ./phpunit .


Speed up VmWare virtual machine by changing location of nvram (virtual RAM) file

I’ve got multiple VMs on a HDD RAID array. I/O is ok, but it’s platter style drives in RAID-1 – speed is constrained by the limitations of the drive design.

I also have a small SSD RAID array of only 80G that houses the base Windows O/S, it idea being that the base O/S should run as quick as possible. Obviously, with a Win10 install, I’ve only got a few GB to spare on that partition, so there’s no way I could move the VMs over.

Lightbulb: I could still increase VM performance many times over if I could have VmWare use the SSD array for *just* the virtual memory file.

Luckily, the VM config file has just an option for this:

workingdir = "c:\VmWareWorkingDir"

Now the VM disk images still live on the HDD array, but the virtual memory file now lives on the SSD array – with much faster I/O 😀